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With AdonPay you can buy and sell crypto assets, it means you can trade Adon Coin and other crypto-currencies inside the AdonPay wallet. AdonPay is multi-cryptocurrency wallet which will going to have built-in exchange and this feature makes the AdonPay wallet unique.

In the current days, there is a wide range and variety of cryptocurrencies, but they are isolated crypto ecosystems that do not have much interaction between them outside an exchanger, AdonPay comes to transform these isolated ecosystems to a next level and allow them to have the interaction.
A significant problem of cryptographic is that most of the Altcoins only have generic wallets for payments.
A process that is not easy for mainstream adoption because many of the wallet features are simple and basic options.
They are not offering the best end user experiences to their consumers and businesses.
Adon has innovated and created AdonPay Payment System that stands out from many Altcoins/CryptoNotes.
Adon includes wallets for Windows, Linux, Android and IOS, i.e., desktop wallets and mobile wallets with AdonPay Payment System and a wide range of features including a unique system called Adon Alias.

The product is currently in testing phase and will be available soon in coming days. AdonPay wallet will have the following features.

1 Payments Gateway/Processor

“State-of-the-art business payments solution”
A Payment Gateway is a service and application which authorizes payments for e-commerce, online retailers, traditional online businesses. Which is virtual equivalent of physical Point Of Sale Terminal at most of the business outlets.
Businesses and users can make use of the system in order make their entire crypto payments easy. Vendors can request payment from users by simply entering his alias, or user can pay the amount to vendor with a simple scan or alias.
User will be notified when vendor requests a payment then user may accept or reject payment. These features will be available soon in AdonPay wallets. It further provides daily, weekly, monthly and yearly invoices to businesses and users with detailed usage statistics of their account.

2 AdonPay Alias

“Making payments better, easy and simple”
AdonPay has a unique aliasing system which will make it easy to use their wallet address to make transactions, useful for day to day operations by businesses and users and while building custom commence applications by third parties for payment gateway integration.

3 Atomic Swap

“Swap your Cryptocurrencies”
Atomic Swap is a process of swapping two coins to two wallets on two blockchains, Usually coin owners can request this if they initiate a swap. AdonPay is fully capable of performing Atomic swap. In simple words, if a coin dev has decided to change his block chain and wants to initiate swap of all old wallets with old coins with new wallets with new coins, he/she can do the same through AdonPay without any addition complexity or calculations.

4 Escrow Services

“Exchange Protected without Third Party”
An Escrow is an arrangement where a third party holds and regulates the payment of the funds required for two or more parties involved in a given transaction. AdonPay provides an automated Escrow system where parties involved in the transaction can take participate with a small fee. At the point of time, these services are limited to Crypto to Crypto transactions only.

5 Crypto Asset Purchase

“Revolutionary Crypto Assets Purchase”
AdonPay is capable of providing asset purchase services, users may buy crypto assets without much complication, AdonPay for now supports only crypto based asset purchases.

6 Multi Currency Wallets

“Premium wallet with all your Crypto Assets”
AdonPay is crypto wallet platform that supports multiple crypto assets, initial free hosted crypto assets are ADON, BTC, LTC, DOGE, XMR, MonetaVerde, BoolBerry. In future we may introduce support for ERC 20 tokens based on demand, capital and resources availability. All features of AdonPay available through Mobile ( Android & iOS ), Website and Desktop application ( Windows/Linux/osX).

7 Api Integration

Once platform is stable and easy to use RESTful API will be available for businesses to integrate the payment gate way in their e-commerce sites and applications.

8 Multi Layered Security

AdonPay built on the multi-layered application architecture, every byte of the request traveled through several secured layers of the application(s)/system(s) to fetch and provide a relevant response.

Multi-factored authentication is available on all client applications. Every client required to set up a second passcode to provide additional security to their account/crypto assets. Every withdrawal processed only through email confirmation/MFA to minimize & mute the risk of fraudulent activities.


ADONX is ERC20 token on Ethereum blockchain, exactly 21M tokens will be minted, more than 80% of unsold tokens from the sale will be burned in each stage. Remaining tokens will be utilized towards airdrops & bounties.

ADONX Token will be used as payments method for different services available on Adonx eco system, or where ever applicable.


Coin Info

Name: ADON
Ticker: Adon
ALGORITHM: CryptoNight Lite V1
Difficulty: Adjustment Algo LWMA 3
Decimals: 8
Total Supply: 184467440.00000000
Premine: ~64563604.00000000


Token Sale: 55.00%
DEX Liquidity: 10.00%
Operations & Team: 20.00%
Airdrops & Bounties: 05.00%
Reserve Fund: 10.00%


DEX Liquidity: 20.00%
R&D: 47.50%
Marketing & Branding: 20.00%
Reserve: 12.50%


For more infor visite us on:



Author :
Username: piqulhdt28
Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1793127
ETH: 0x9E5793c693D083c84C460315E146db84A8064479


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