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Mozart Finance

 #BNB #DeFi #Binance #yieldfarming #BinanceSmartChain #presale #PIANO #MozartFinance



Greetings with me piqulhdt28, I want to give a little information about a very extraordinary company and this company is developing a financial agricultural project which is one of which is the Defi (Decentralized Finance) Project which runs on the Binance Smart Chain file, the blockchain has now become in the spotlight of investors, it is all thanks to this platform's liquidity mining or yield farming scheme. Liquidity mining is a process by which users can generate revenue from the DeFi protocol in exchange for providing liquidity. In other words, users lend their assets for smart contracts, and for more details you can directly call or join this amazing project below:

What is Mozart Finance?

Mozart Finance is a deflationary yield farming protocol that leverages various technologies and deflationary strategies to create a sustainable long-term DeFi ecosystem. Unlike many competitors in the market, Mozart Finance will live on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Consequently, the network aims to be faster, cheaper, and more capable than its Ethereum counterparts.



1.Fabulous burn mechanism

  • 1% of every transaction will be burned
  • Deposit fees will be used to buyback tokens (will explain soon)
  • Any unsold tokens from pre-sale will be burned
  • Team will randomly burn tokens each week to keep the price higher
  • Starting liquidity tokens will be burned in first 3 weeks


  • Become a symphonist by farming PIANO with highest possible APR
  • Farm different pools
  • Voting system - community can decide about adding new pools

*Lotre (segera) NFT (segera)
*Taruhan Terdesentralisasi (Q2)
*Pinjaman (tanpa ETA)
*IFO (tanpa ETA) Ide Komunitas


How Does Mozart Finance Work

Mozart Finance leverages the Binance Smart Chain capabilities to accomplish its goal to create a sustainable deflationary DeFi ecosystem. According to its development team, the network will be packed with features that are sure to drive interest as they go live. Here are some of the best features announced so far.

1. Yield Farming

The core functionality of Mozart Finance is its yield farming protocols. The developers have announced that the platform will offer multiple pools that will provide top APRs to investors. Yield Farming is a better alternative to trading because it doesn’t require an intensive amount of research. You lock your funds in a YF pool, and you receive rewards based on your level of participation.


PIANO is the native DeFi and utility token for Mozart Finance. This token is designed to serve multiple purposes within the system. You can farm, play games, participate in IFOs, and a host of other cool profit-earning functionalities using this token. You receive rewards in this token as well. Also, you gain voting rights when you hold PIANO.

3. Governance

Mozart Finance integrates a community governance system to provide users with more control over the platform’s developments. PIANO holders can put forth upgrade proposals and vote on vital issues on the network. Community governance mechanisms are becoming very popular in the DeFi sector because they provide a higher transparency level to users.

4. Lottery

In the coming weeks, Mozart Finance intends to start a lottery. Users will be able to participate in these games simply by holding a certain amount of PIANO. More details are to be released on this feature shortly.

5. NFT Support

Another upcoming feature to be on the lookout for is the network’s NFT support. NFTs are a hot item in the market nowadays, with some selling for millions of dollars. Mozart Finance seeks to provide support for this budding industry within its deflationary ecosystem. Users will be able to trade, collect, and create NFTs using Mozart Finance.

6. Decentralized Betting

Mozart Finance will also venture into the world of decentralized betting. Users will be able to bet on their favorite games and earn tokens win they win. Deflationary betting is another quickly growing sector in the blockchain industry. The decision to provide support for these services could pay off for Mozart Finance.

7. Lending

As part of their inclusive approach to the DeFi market, Mozart Finance intends to support P2P lending protocols. DeFi lending protocols put you in the place of the bank. You can lend out your funds to a lending pool and earn interest for your efforts. Best of all, the protocol is set up in a way that you receive your repayment on time, regardless of if the lender meets their commitments.

8. IFO

One of the most interesting features to both users and other blockchain projects is the network’s Initial Farm Offering options. IFOs are considered more democratic and transparent than ICOs. As such, they have seen quick adoption by DeFi firms over the last few months.

Mozart Finance Token

Mozart has a unique BEP-20 native token dubbed PIANO for securing the network in the long term. This token will serve as the primary payment currency, serving as a base for some liquidity pools. However, there will be other pairs with other assets. Moreover, investors will have the freedom to stake the PIANO tokens and await rewards.



  • Ticker: PIANO
  • Contract address: 0xd46936677B2C1Bb696F2b67c55239331E2b7Cd42
  • Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
  • Minted supply: 100.000 PIANO
  • Total supply: 9.600.000 PIANO

Deflationary mechanism:

  • 1% of every transaction will be burned
  • 50% of the deposit fee will be used to buy back PIANO
  • Emission rate:

*Time - *Emission/block - *Emission/day

  • 1st day - 2 PIANO/block - 57.600
  • 1st week - 1 PIANO/block - 28.800
  • 2nd week - 0.5 PIANO/block - 14.400
  • 3rd week - 0.25 PIANO/block - 7.200
  • 1st week - 201.600 PIANO total
  • 2nd week - 100.800 PIANO total
  • 3rd week - 50.400 PIANO total
  • 4th week - 50.400 PIANO total
  • 5th week - 50.400 PIANO total

1st week count will start after 24 hours. After 3 weeks 0.25 PIANO/block stays forever and will reduce inflation and produce only 50.400 PIANO per week.


  • Distributed to: %
  • Farms: 61%
  • Music Pools: 30%
  • Developers: 9%

Public Presale


Public Presale

  • Public pre-sale: 55.000 tokens
  • Liquidity lock: 40.000 tokens
  • Marketing: 5.000 tokens

This is really happening! After our PIANO was successfully reviewed, we will announce exact time & date of the presale very soon, sooner then you think!

  • 1 BNB = 27.5 PIANO
  • SOFT CAP: 800 BNB
  • HARD CAP: 2000 BNB
  • Maximum per wallet: 20 BNB
  • Minimum per wallet: 0.2 BNB
  • 80% of liquidity will be locked on,
  • 15% to treasury and
  • 5% to devs wallet.


  • 80% of the tokens will be added to Farms
  • 20% of the tokens will be added to Music Pools


We will use 5.000 PIANO to fund bounties and Mozart ambassadors. We have spent between 10k$ and 20k$ right now for marketing promotions.



Urgent priority

  • Deployment of smart contracts
  • Unique burn mechanism
  • AUDIT before launch (Immunebytes)
  • Liquidity lock
  • High APR% gains

High priority

  • Second audit after the launch (in first 2-3 weeks)
  • Lottery as never seen before
  • Mozart NFT's

Medium priority

  • Decentralized betting
  • IFO (in partnership with other projects)
  • Fully operational exchange
  • Lending
  • Community ideas


Mozart Finance encapsulates the current drive to find Ethereum alternatives in the DeFi space. The platform intends to offer a complete ecosystem that is deflationary and inclusive in nature. Because Ethereum is at all-time highs in gas fees, Mozart Finance could prove a valuable asset moving forward.


Social media of project:

Author :
Username: piqulhdt28
Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1793127
BSC WALLET: 0xb31F778574bE2aC3A0d8023e4c2fC762949578C2


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