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Derived from primitives found in natural life (entropy & psycho-social behavior) PoCD, or Proof-of-Committed Decay, is a consensus mechanism designed to establish an alternative economic policy based on favorable concepts underlying Keynesian, Hyakian, MMT & cryptocurrency economics. While Traditional consensus models such as PoW/PoS handle state related functions; PoCD acts as an added layer on top traditional consensus models baking in enhanced economic properties.

The PoCD engine which underpins the economic logic is built of four dependencies; Burning, Staking, Market Response, taxation; which are further refined into 5 modules. In an attempt to maximize PoCD economic logic, each of its modules are granulated based on a variety of different factors. Mechanisms with an overlap in granulation represent a degree of dependencies on one another and thus create a progressive feedback loop in themselves. With the exception of "External Meta-Metrics", all of the modules are to some degree reliant on one another.


What is Prophecy ?

Prophecy is a value transfer network of economically incentivized actors that come to consensus on the state of the network's economic policy. This is the first decentralized operating system for money.

Prophecy leverages the primitives found in legacy finance to provide innovations inmonetary policy.

Prophecy is a worth exchange organization of monetarily boosted entertainers that come to agreement on the condition of the organization's monetary strategy. This is the main decentralized working framework for cash. Prophecy use the natives found in inheritance account to give advancements inmonetary strategy. Prophecy token ($PRY) is the token behind Prophecy and prophet yield pools.

Prophecy is furnished with a novel financial agreement motor which influences the normally occuring psycho-social natives found in conventional money related arrangement. Known as PoCD (or Evidence of-Submitted Rot), the motor establishes a financial climate that animates open market interest to battle esteem deterioration.

Our mission:

  • Establish a sound monetary unit
  • Provide the most complete source of socio-economic data
  • Combat the time-sensitive decay of value in adjacent economic forces

Flash earning with Prophecy's Prophet yield pools


Inside Prophet Pools

Gone are the days of waiting weeks or months for yield rewards.

Prophecy's Prophet yield pools let you earn in a flash so you never have to wait for your earnings. Winners receive earnings immediately after a yield pool concludes.You could enter a pool, win a massive amount of tokens, and receive them within minutes.

Prophet pools are an innovative twist on existing yield pool structures, flipping the system on its head and ensuring a majority of participants win, instead of the minority. Pools are formed and participants enter, with an 80% chance of winning at the pool’s closure.

We incentivize further participation through the inclusion of a ‘bare-tax’ (explained more below) which ensures the value of Prophecy is continually rising, alongside a constant burn of tokens.

In the future, users can start their own pools. Prophet pools will feature ways to invite friends or followers to the participate in pools.

How pools work


Built to win


Prophecy is equipped with a novel economic consensus engine which leverages the naturally occuring psycho-social primitives found in traditional monetary policy.

Known as PoCD (or Proof-of-Committed Decay), the engine creates a monetary environment that stimulates open market demand to combat value depreciation.


It is said that liquidity is the oxygen of financial markets, and that stale assets make for stale markets. Prophecy has implemented an incentive parameter that distills network influence through contribution.

Prophecy introduces the velocity-inducing Bare-Tax, a way to incentivize Prophecy token usage in the community.


At the cornerstone of modern economic policy lay the contracting supply model of Burning. Through a systematic reduction in the total circulating supply, Prophecy drives deflationary properties as a means to retain and grow its market density.


Prophecy realizes that the current consumer paradigm in the crypto industry is a Catch-22: mature crypto networks are equipped with robust fundamental metrics that provide recursive growth and security. In order to inherit the logical primitives of the industry's computational infrastructure, Prophecy anchors its monetary policy in the digital economies state.

What are the tokenomics of Prophecy?

Prophecy will begin with 200 million PRY tokens, with an initial circulating supply of 100 million PRY tokens. This is the amount of tokens we'll start with before burning schedules begin.40% of tokens are reserved for rewards through yield pools, staking, and burns.

  • 10%: of tokens are reserved for marketing and partnerships
  • 10%: of Prophecy tokens are reserved for liquidity and development
  • 10%: of tokens are locked team tokens, inaccessible for 6 months
  • 25%: of tokens are reserved for the exclusive presale
  • 5%: of tokens are reserved for the private presale


Prophecy Roadmap


The team behind Prophecy

The pinnacle and epitome of ‘decentralization’ is anonymity for the user and anonymity for the team.

As a cryptocurrency project delivering real and significant impact to the financial market, we wholeheartedly believe and follow the principle that this project should remain solely about the project and the incredible community behind that.

Our team comprises of extremely senior and experienced professionals within the crypto-sphere, with combined decades of experience between us. We have worked within Top 100 projects and continue to push to innovate cryptocurrencies and DeFi.

We don’t want to be the focus ourselves, we don’t want to be idolized or looked up to or treated any differently, we just want to be in the background helping push this project and community as far forwards as humanly possible. Remaining anonymous is the epitome of decentralization, as it’s the project and you - the community - that truly matters.

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