In the 21st century, very exciting and amazing technology reaches the surface of the modern age, which has an impact on the people. One of these is the virtual reality. virtual reality "VR is a computer-built scenario that symbolizes a realistic experience, to create a life-long experience based on reality or ski-fi, the immersive environment can be similar to the real world, the increased reality system can also be considered a form of VR , Which takes virtual notifications in a headset on a live camera feed, or via a smartphone or tablet device. " Credits : _reality Existing Virtual Reality Technology is based on ideas based on date of 1800s. In 1838, the first stereoscope was invented using Twin Mirror to project an image. It eventually developed into a patent-patented Viewer in 1939 and is still produced today. The term Virtual Reality or VR was first used in the mid-1980s, when Vlor Research founder ...